
Earwax is Actually a Type of Sweat

Earwax is Actually a Type of Sweat

Earwax is Actually a Type of Sweat

  • 28 Feb 2023

Earwax contains oil and sweat mixed with dead skin cells and dirt. It is a natural barrier that protects from bacteria that can enter in the innermost parts of our ears. Without this, your inner ear would be at risk.

Without earwax, your outer ear might be itchy and flaky that can lead to irritation and infection. It also acts as a protective shield and moisturiser for your ear canal. 
The smell of earwax keeps the bugs away and act as insect repellent. Being sticky, it collects microscopic debris like fly paper traps insects that can enter and affect your ear canal.
Avoid cleaning your ears with your finger, cotton swab, small or sharp objects as they risk wedging earwax back into the skin, which can lead to hearing loss. Consider professional healthcare package providers for ear cleaning. 
Home tips: Wash your ears using a warm and soapy wash cloth. Letting warm water run over (but not in) your ears every often is the most effective way to soften and loosen excess earwax.