
Stop Smoking for Her and Her Baby

Stop Smoking for Her and Her Baby

Stop Smoking for Her and Her Baby

  • 24 Feb 2023

There are numerous harmful substances in cigarettes like nicotine, carbon monoxide and etc which of these if inhaled by pregnant woman can directly affect her health and her baby’s too. 

Mother-to-be should quit smoking before, during and even after the baby is born. 
If a pregnant women is exposed to secondhand smoke, there can be negative consequences like:
• lower amount of oxygen available to your baby
• increase your baby’s heart rate
• increase the chance of stillbirth and miscarriage
• baby is born prematurely
• a low-birth-weight baby
• baby with birth defects
• increase risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 
Researchers have found that fathers are a large source of secondhand smoke for pregnant women, which appears to be even more harmful to unborn baby than women smoking herself.
So, fathers-to-be, stop smoking for her and her baby.